MuteMe V2 Update and Stretch Goal launched!
Happy Friday Backers!
Thank you so much for your continued support. The MuteMe Kickstarter campaign is almost been fully funded (87%) with 25 days left to go! As a result of this success, we want you to be the first to know that we've updated the MuteMe to a better design and are launching our first stretch goal.
We've been hard at work applying your feedback and happy to announce we've built a smaller and brighter MuteMe that now features capacitive touch!

We loved seeing all of your suggestions, and all our forthcoming stretch goals will continue to be based on your feedback! Please feel free to continue sharing your ideas by clicking HERE to post in the comments section of our Kickstarter page.
Anyone who backs MuteMe up to $25,000 in total funding (that includes all of you), can opt-in for free engraved customization on your MuteMe! We will be in touch with details on the engraving after the campaign has ended. Please let your family and friends know!

We hope you’re as excited as we are! Let’s make it happen together.
The MuteMe Team
Interested in how the new size scales!?