Home Zoom Configuration
We offer Level 3 support for Zoom on both Windows and macOS. MuteMe can control your mute/unmute status only when "Always show meetings controls" is enabled in Zoom settings. The actual controls do not need to be visible just enabled. If you're encountering issues, adjustments in your Zoom settings might be necessary.


Language Settings

For optimal performance with Zoom, set the application language to English. Support for additional languages is in development. To change the language, right-click the Zoom icon in the system tray, navigate to "Switch Languages", and select "English".

Zoom Default Microphone

Ensure Zoom is configured to use the correct microphone as its default input device. This setting ensures that MuteMe can properly control your mute status.

Zoom Settings for Windows/Linux

Adjust the following settings for a smoother experience with MuteMe:

  • Go to Settings > General and select 'Always show meeting controls'
  • In Keyboard Shortcuts, click 'Restore Default' at the bottom right
  • Enable the global shortcut for 'Change Focus to Zoom Meeting Controls' in Keyboard Shortcuts
  • Enable the global shortcut for 'Mute/Unmute My Audio' in Keyboard Shortcuts

Zoom Settings for macOS

macOS users should adjust these settings similarly:

  • Go to Settings > General and ensure 'Always show meeting controls' is selected
  • Use 'Restore Default' in Keyboard Shortcuts for default settings
  • Enable the global shortcut for 'Mute/Unmute My Audio' in Keyboard Shortcuts
  • Also, activate the shortcut for 'Always Show Meeting Controls'

macOS Security & Privacy Settings

For macOS users, please adjust your Security & Privacy settings to allow MuteMe to function correctly:

  • Go to Security & Privacy > Privacy > Accessibility, and ensure MuteMe is selected
  • In Security & Privacy > Privacy > Automation, confirm that all options under MuteMe-Client are checked. If MuteMe isn't listed, start Zoom, and our software will request the necessary permissions.

For macOS Ventura:

  • Navigate to Apple Menu > System Settings > Privacy & Security > Privacy > Automation. Ensure MuteMe is listed and "System Events" is enabled.
  • Under Privacy > Accessibility, make sure MuteMe-Client is enabled.

Additional macOS Tips

If problems persist on macOS, consult our detailed article on accessibility settings for further guidance.

MuteMe Settings

After configuring Zoom, adjust the MuteMe sync settings to Level 2 or 3 for proper operation. Open the App Sync Settings and use the slider to change Zoom sync from Level 1 to Level 2 or 3.

Other Issues

If you encounter other issues, please use the chat support on our site. Our customer service team is ready to assist you with any configuration problems.


Last Updated: 10:53 PM - PST - February 24, 2024 (format and grammar changes only)

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