Mission, Vision and Values

Our Story
So, they rolled up their sleeves and got to work. The team - made up of engineers, computer scientists, marketing managers, and tinkerers - set out to create a solution that was fast, reliable, and easy to use. They brainstormed, they prototyped, and after many long nights, they emerged victorious: MuteMe was born.
MuteMe is more than just a simple mute button. It's an innovative tool that syncs seamlessly with popular conferencing software, illuminates when you're on mute, and lets you mute and unmute with the touch of a button. And it's all thanks to the hard work and ingenuity of the MuteMe team.
From development to marketing to software design, every aspect of MuteMe has been handled in-house by a tight-knit team of dedicated professionals. They've worked tirelessly to create an excellent product and a company that stands the test of time.
And it's all been made possible by the support of a global community of crowdfunding backers, engineers, parents, managers, and students. Their enthusiasm and encouragement have driven MuteMe to new heights, and we couldn't be more grateful.
So the next time you're on a virtual call and need to mute your microphone in a hurry, think of MuteMe - the illuminated mute button that increases your confidence and helps you stay in control. Thanks for being a part of our story!

Your Impact on MuteMe’s Growth

Key Milestones
Aug, 20
Idea and conceptualization, first team meeting.
Sep, 20
Hardware prototype, we could mute/unmute with a button.
Oct, 20
Software prototype, multiplatform and OS level mute.
Nov, 20
MuteMe tech patent-pending
Dec, 20
Kickstarter launched with v1.0 MuteMe
Dec, 20 (end)
v2.0 MuteMe introduced, crowdfunding sales take-off
Jan, 21
Kickstarter ends, Indiegogo and ecommerce site start.
Feb, 21
Final manufacturing partners,
initial tooling, sample devices ordered.
Mar, 21
Final packaging, DFM, tooling, and USB-C v3.0 MuteMe introduced
Apr, 21
Mass production begins, software completely revamped. Servers setup.
May, 21
US distribution and quality control established.
May, 21 (end)
Shipping begins to over 8,000 customers.
Jun, 21
MuteMe's available in 1000+ Staples stores nationwide
Jun, 21 (end)
All pre-orders are fulfilled we are out of stock.
Jul, 21
Tape for SharkTank, order more inventory, finish MuteMe Mini Prototype.
Aug, 21
Refine MuteMe Mini prototype. First time we have stock.
Sept, 21
Start Marketing and Advertising
Oct, 21
SharkTank Airs, Out of stock, Launch MuteMe Mini on Kickstarter
Started From The Bottom
But we're not ones to shy away from a challenge - with your support, feedback, and infinite patience, we've been able to weather the storms and come out on top. We couldn't have done it without you, and we're incredibly grateful for every single one of you who's helped us build a better, more seamless new normal. Here's to more exciting adventures ahead!