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Thank You Backers + Update!

Thank You Backers + Update!
Thank you so much for helping our project come to realization! The MuteMe™ Kickstarter campaign was a great success because of you, the 2,985 backers who pledged $154,795 to bring MuteMe™ - The Illuminated Mute Button to your home, work and school.  With the completion of this successful campaign, we'd like to give you an update on our progress and the milestones we are working tirelessly to hit in the coming months.

MuteMe V2 Update and Stretch Goal launched!

MuteMe V2 Update and Stretch Goal launched!
Thank you so much for your continued support. The MuteMe Kickstarter campaign is almost been fully funded (87%) with 25 days left to go!  As a result of this success, we want you to be the first to know that we've updated the MuteMe to a better design and are launching our first stretch goal.