Logo Usage
This article is for those individuals and companies that would like to use the MuteMe logo for their own purposes including any type of media or articles referencing MuteMe.
Usage Guidelines
The MuteMe Logo is a trademark of MuteMe LLC and can only be used with the explicit written permission of a member of the MuteMe executive or marketing teams.
You must adhere to the requirements outlined below.
To seek permission to use the logo for your own purposes please reach out to info@muteme.com
Clear Space
Sufficient clear space around the logo should be maintained. Sufficient clear space is at least equivalent to the letters M & U in MuteMe which is a square box that comprises of about 25% of the logo area. This clear space should be maintained on all sides of the logo.
The logo should note be placed on a busy background, or a background that does not respect the clear space requirements. Minor gradients in the background are ok as long as they do not make a full transition between light and dark colors in the limited space around the logo thus not meeting the clear space requirements.
Only default colors that we provide should be used when reproducing our logo or a solid color replacing all the colors currently represented in the default logos. No gradients or other alterations with respect to color should be applied to the logo.
Solid black versions or solid white versions of the logo should be used when the logo is being shown on a colorful background (for example if the logo was being used on a burgundy background).
No alterations of any kind should be made to the logo in any fashion including but not limited to cropping, transparencies, distorting, additions, subtractions, and/or skewing.
All elements of the logo should be maintained in the exact same proportions as provided. No additional elements should be added or subtracted.
Minimum Size
Logo should be maintained in a size that is readable from at least 3 feet. Logo should be prominently displayed on any and all materials and be of equal size to other logos presented in the same medium.
Logo should be maintained in a size that is readable from at least 3 feet. Logo should be prominently displayed on any and all materials and be of equal size to other logos presented in the same medium.
Right click on the logos to save as or open in a new window.
MuteMe Main Logo With Black Text

MuteMe Main Logo With White Text

MuteMe Main Logo White Out
MuteMe Main Logo BlackOut
App Icon
Last Updated: 7:43 PM - PST - November 17, 2021